Thursday, March 19, 2015


At this point I am starting to realise that is not a matter of coincidences it is our brain directing towards the source of information we need to. Yesterday I was mentioning about my installation Entheogen as a metaphor for a techno shamanic acoustic installation and today after having stopped at the Centro Cultural Banco Do Brasil, Wassily Kandinsky gave me another key to access to the serendipity reality. In this amazing bank/palace the Kandinsky'show started with a parallel installation as an immersive 3D introduction to Kandisnky's vision and inspired by the circular architecture of the grand floor. It was so inspiring to see realised into the right space what I investigated during my Honours year: a 360 degree awareness of perception.

The two curators, Evgenia Petrova e Joseph Kiblitsky, were comparing Kandinsky paintings with the painter's Russian traditional culture, life, artistic mission, music and shamanic inspiration from which most of Kandinsky's artwork and theoretical research is revealed. Kandinsky knew how to abstract the essence of The miracle of St.George and the Dragon, coming from a Russian tradition of painting religious stories on wooden tablets.

And the abstraction kept going and expanding into the first experimental abstract videos. Here a showcase of 16 abstracted films dated 1921-1938 directed by Kandinsky and made by 15 other artists. 

The cherry on the cake was acknowledging the shamanic interest of Kandinsky and how he knew how to translate it into abstraction. I really was not aware of such a passion in Kandinsky who saw art as a way to make visible the spirituality, revealing the animism hidden into reality. This topic is such an important part of my art investigation as a form  of transforming the everyday or banality of things in something more profound. Plus the shamanic ritual is becoming more and more part of my coming acoustic installation.  

I am reporting the text written for the show. "...In 1889 Kandinsky made his first exhibition to the Vologda governorship, to contact Shamans living in the Komi nation. Inspired by this culture Kandinsky become to develop the idea of an art that could create a direct relationship between man and divinity and so with the world of  invisible spirits, entities with whom the shamans engage...Following the shamanic experience Kandinsky searched in the soul of objects those spontaneous manifestations of their inner music". 

This are some items including objects and dress of shamans in Mongolia by the Fondazione Sergio Pozzarella, Italy. Al these collection and comparisons were so inspiring for my work!

On the way back to Largo das Artes, I bought from Rodrigo a handmade leather bag a and white frog carved from a stone. Rodrigo is from Santa Marta Columbian Indio descendant tribe!  

Than I returned and collected the last woofer from Samuel Urias that forgot to connect the woofer with the electrical cords yesterday. He packaged the box with a gift's paper and a red heart on top... sneaky Samuel! 

At the studio finally I met the new Largo das Artes' curator Bernardo de Souza he gave me two great links: Eduardo Viveiros de Castro and Bruno Latour who gave a conference called 'The secret life of objects'. How pertinent it is! 
... and Miguel Sayad was back as well today showing beautiful photos of his relaxing holiday in Bahia! 

Frado Monteiro arrived as last one... we did so many progresses today, we are moving faster and faster and start to understand each other minds. We composed together the first track of Entheogen installation's symphony!