Sunday, April 19, 2015


Today has started the Dia do Indio as an homage to Brazil indigenous culture. What an incredible coincidence for my techno shamanic ritual installation! I took many photos of such a culture, ornaments with pearls and feathers and dances. In someway I felt there was a feeling of sadness and joy for their future.

From the Museu do Indio to Parque Lage where I met this incredible Indio called Tobi that knows how to cure the body with herbs from the Amazonia.  I bought two other spiritual herbs called Aruanda Saco Saco and Cipo Cabolo and Panacea to cure sadness and negativity.

The final dance opened the door to my imagination. I will probably contact Tobi for helping me to create a real ritual for my acoustic installation and to select the herbs and seeds from Amazonia.

During the same day I went to see the work of three of my preferred  Brazilian artists at Casa Daros showing as part of a special show called 'Made in Brazil'.

Miguel Rio Branco with his strong collages of photography Between the Eyes, the Desert, 1997 projected into a wall as a triptych inspired me how to project my 'Barato' installation. I also learnt how to mask my future video installation.

The amazing installation of Cildo Meireles, 'How to Build Cathedrals',1987 made with coins, bones, hostias, lights, parallelepipedos, and black fabric, reinforced my passion for art installation made with strong foundations. 

I loved also the work of Jose' Damasceno, Aggregate, 1999 an assemblage of alluminium book shelters inspired me to do a work about gravity and ready made.

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