Tuesday, April 28, 2015


A feast of colours. This is a game played in Brazil with two people. One person has to pass to the other person the flying object by hitting the base of it and launching it into the air. I bought one from the crafty man.

I went to visit another church called Igleja de nostra Seniora do Monte do Carmo where I found a spooky version of Jesus...

Then I bought the precious book of Adriana Verajao talking about the history of his country with references about her art, inspirations and concepts. It is an incredible source for who is interested to write an academic research. I thinking to do master next year to develop further my project Techno Entheogen so this book will help me to set my mind to write in depth my work in progress.

Today I finished the acoustic composition with Frado Monteiro. A big thanks to him that made it possible and to all Largo das Artes team for having handled the loud sound happening in my studio all this time! The installation will be finished by tomorrow morning...and for me will be the end and beginning of another adventure. I will expereince another shamanic ritual and then leave on the same night of the opening tomorrow !!!


  1. sweetie you are Marvellolicious
    you have shared with us daily your adventure the trials and tribulations
    humbled by your spirit and Heart

  2. love number eight the beans have bounced boing boing

  3. it will be an explosion of sound, seeds and aromas!
